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Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh thanked the Chinese side for the friendly and enthusiastic reception and cordially invited Prime Minister Li Cuong to visit Vietnam. Premier Li Cuong happily accepted the invitation." Vblink Download, On June 25, at the golf course at Hulencourt in the Belgian town of Genappe, the Vietnam Ambassador's Cup 2023 golf tournament took place. This is an annual golf tournament organized by the Embassy of Vietnam in Belgium in collaboration with Ms. Chris Geykens, the representative in Belgium. organized by the Vietnam Association of Agent Orange/dioxin Victims in Hoi An (VAVA Hoi An) to raise funds to support Agent Orange victims in Hoi An.

On the evening of June 28, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation returned to Hanoi, successfully concluding their official visit to the People's Republic of China and attending the Annual Meeting of Vietnamese leaders. 14th Pioneering World Economic Forum (WEF) in Tianjin from June 25-28. Vblink vblink apk free bass fishing games Sharing with businesses about the fundamental factors promoting Vietnam's development, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said that Vietnam's development is based on three pillars: Building a socialist rule of law state; building a socialist democracy; develop a socialist-oriented market economy. Taking people as the center, subject, driving force and goal of development; does not trade progress, social justice and environment for mere economic growth.

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